Alfabet H
"Habis manis sepah dibuang."
Literally: Habis = Finished, Manis = Sweet, Sepah = Tasteless, Dibuang = Thrown away.
Illustrated when someone is enjoying sugar canes: After the sweet part is finished and becomes tasteless, the cane is thrown away.
Meaning: We only call our friends if we need help, and we don't help our friends in need (egoistic act)
"Hati gajah sama dilapah, hati tungau sama dicecah"
Translation: An elephant is still an elephant when flayed; a flea is still a flea if you proke at it.
Meaning: You get what you get - if you get a lot of something, then you have a lot, if you get a small amount of something, you only have a small amount.
Berhemat sebelum habis
Membiasakan hidup hemat agar memiliki persediaan untuk masa mendatang
Memakan habis-habis, Menyuruh hilang hilang
Bila dipercaya merahasiakan sesuatu hendaknya berusaha selalu menyimpannya baik-baik
Habis manis sepah dibuang
Dibuang setelah tidak diperlukan lagi
Habis air setelaga arang dibasuh tak putih
Walaupun diupayakan sedemikian rupa, tabiat jahat sukar berubah
Habis air habislah kayu jagung tua tak hendak dimasak
Melakukan pekerjaan sia-sia yang tidak mendatangkan untung
Habis sampan kerong-kerong tak dapat
Melakukan perbuatan yang sia-sia .
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